U.S. Journal of Academics FundsV Working Group
  USjournal.communique / FundsV Voice  
February 2016 
ROI Evaluation in International Student Recruitment
(Excellent research by WES!)

World Education Services (WES) published a robust research article in its latest newsletter titled, The Next Frontier: ROI Evaluation in International Student Recruitment. My favorite part described differences in measuring the traditional hard returns (mainly numbers with dollar signs in front of them) and soft returns -- what we've termed quantifiably-elusive variables.

One way to address this challenge is to develop a mathematical model where international student recruiters and admissions counselors can input their own values to weigh the variables according to the mission and goals of your program or campus. For example, if boosting diversity among the international student population is the top priority, then enrolling a student from a country currently not represented on campus earns a more positive score than enrolling yet another student from a country already well-represented on campus. The model, of course, will be designed to evolve over time, as institutional priorities evolve.

We invite you to join the conversation leading to our general session at the upcoming NAFSA Conference in Denver! Contact

Measuring Return on Investment
in International Recruitment:

A Working Model
Tuesday, 31 May at 2:30p
NAFSA Annual Conference in Denver

From the FundsV side of the house: You're also most welcome to join us in discussing the future of digital student data portability, coordinated by the Groningen Declaration Network. Check out their latest newsletter for updates on pilot projects, presentations and Annual Meeting details.

The Groningen Declaration:
Digitizing Data to Empower Students,
Improve Integrity, and Enhance Efficiency

Wednesday, 1 June at 1:15p
NAFSA Annual Conference in Denver

Cross Promotions: U.S. Department of Commerce

US Department of Commerce

As part of USjournal's Strategic Partnership with the U.S. Department of Commerce, we invite you to register for an upcoming webinar on recruiting in Central America, and consider applying for the upcoming Education Trade Mission to the region:

Webinar: Best Practices and Opportunities for Central American Student Recruitment

Education Trade Mission: U.S. Department of Commerce and EducationUSA in Central America

USjournal: Promoting your academic programs in 16 languages

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